Summer Ready Skin: The Perfect Treatments To Have This Season

With the summer season on the horizon, now is the perfect time to rejuvenate your skin with the best treatments on offer at The Good Skin Guru…

During the warmer months, we often reach for lighter make up and aim for a gorgeous glowy complexion... Fortunately, we've got you covered with a range of treatments and facials to ensure you have summer-ready skin this season!

The WOW Facial

The WOW Facial is the ultimate wow factor treatment, using the most advanced skincare technologies carefully selected and meticulously arranged to leave skin glowing, luminous, and healthy, with long-lasting results.⁠

The WOW Facial deeply hydrates your skin, replenishing lost moisture and adding a dewy glow that endures throughout the summer. It also eliminates dead skin cells, revealing a brighter, fresher complexion underneath.⁠

The facial is performed in six transformational stages -

  1. Cleanse & Prep - A range of active cleansers, allowing the practitioner to begin hyper-personalising your WOW facial® dependant on your specific skincare needs.

  2. Peel & Treat - A selection of WOW peels, specifically designed with high-quality acids to resurface the skin and address a multitude of skin concerns.

  3. WOW Fusion - Our expertly trained skin therapist Claire will design a skincare solution suitable for your skin and deliver it using the innovative WOW fusion® needling device.

  4. WOW LED Light - The WOW LED mask uses professional strength light therapy to improve skin quality, rejuvenate, improve pigmentation and reduce bacteria on the surface of the skin.

  5. The Mask - The Mask by WOW facial is a technical clean-room packed post-procedure mask loaded with hyaluronic acid, hydrolysed collagen, peptides and stem cells.

  6. Finish & Protect - Finishing serums and creams, again selected for your specific skincare needs. Finishing off with our hero product Synergy 6 NX-GEN SPF 50.


Mesotherapy is a medical specialty that involves injecting microscopic quantities of natural extracts, homoeopathic agents, pharmaceuticals and vitamins directly into the skin where it is needed.

Mesotherapy is not new. After its discovery by Dr Michel Pastor (1924-2003) over 60 years ago, mesotherapy was used to treat medical conditions such as osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, depression and anxiety. However, French doctors soon discovered that the technique could be used to treat skin conditions such as cellulite, stretch marks, wrinkles, hair loss and acne. These subdermal vitamin injections rejuvenate the cells, making them more active, and thereby stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. We can create a ‘cocktail’ using various different ingredients to tailor every treatment to you and your skin concerns.

Mesotherapy can help with the following skin concerns:

  1. “Tired” skin

  2. Hyperpigmentation

  3. Lines & Wrinkles

  4. Acne

iS Clinical Fire & Ice Facial

The A-List celebrity favourite, the iS Clinical Fire & Ice is a botanical resurfacing treatment with a unique combination of pharmaceutical grade serums & complexes to optimise and improve problem skin.

The iS Clinical Fire and Ice treatment consists of two pharmaceutical-grade resurfacing masques that work to resurface the skin and encourage cellular renewal. The carefully selected iS Clinical formulations deliver exceptional results, with ingredients like glycolic acid and retinol working to treat problematic areas, reduce fine lines, and smooth out the complexion.

Bridging the gap between a mild facial and an invasive peel, it is formulated with botanicals including sugarcane extracts, aloe vera, and Vitamin A & B3 to soothe the skin, adding a sense of luxury and relaxation to the experience. With absolutely zero required, this is the perfect summer treatment as you can have the treatment right before an event to instantly reveal a healthy, glowing complexion.

iS Clinical treatments & products are also pregnancy and breastfeeding safe.

Medical Grade Skincare

As well as our in-clinic treatments, we’re also able to build a personalised medical grade skincare plan suitable for the summer months.

We work with clinically proven and effective brands suited to all budgets - we'll send you a bespoke box containing a bespoke skincare routine that you'll see REAL results from and will fit into your lifestyle completely.⁠

Whether you already have a skincare plan in place that needs a seasonal update, or if you’re brand new to skincare - we’re here to help! Get in touch to book an online consultation or get set up with our skincare concierge GetHarley today.

If you’d like to book any of the summer skin treatments mentioned in this post, or if you’d like to start with a consultation to determine a suitable treatment plan for your unique skin - please book here.

Professional, Medical Aesthetic Treatments & Skincare Therapies at The Good Skin Guru Aesthetics Clinics, located in Manchester & Cumbria


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